Tuesday, November 23, 2004

My kind of Elvis

I have Elvis Costello's song Monkey to Man stuck in my head today. How great is it that after 25 years he is still making music that gets stuck in your head.

Monday, November 22, 2004


Oh Rufus, how much do I love him. Rufus Wainwright almost makes me wish I were a gay man. His new album Want Two is beautiful, elaborate, ornate, operatic, baroque, indulgent and filthy... I love it. The album goes from Agnus Dei a hypnotic prayer for peace, to the Art Teacher my personal favorite. It is so passionate it almost makes me cry everytime I hear it. Gay messiah, is just naughty in the first few listenings, and quite thought provoking once you get past the did he just say what I thought he said. I'm also thoroughly enjoying Crumb by Crumb, it's the catchiest track. The album also comes with a dvd of his performance in San Francisco at the Fillmore. It's good, but I think his performance here in Austin was better. Although he plays Hallelujah on the dvd. He really gives Jeff Buckley a run for his money on the best version of that song. Great album. Now please please please come back to Austin.

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