Thursday, September 14, 2006

The only time of year you'll see me in a cowboy hat

ACL Fest starts tomorrow and I'm all atwitter. I saw Gnarls Barkley last night to get things rolling, short but a good show, I think I got a a contact buzz. I'll catch Ben Kweller in an hour or so and I'll have to resist the urge to put him in my pocket and take him home. He is just so perfectly pocket sized.

Here's the short list of who I intend to see this weekend:

Wolf Parade
Nickel Creek
Gomez Gomez Gomez! - I may have to go to their signing at the Waterloo Records booth too.
Thievery Corporation

More Ben Kweller
a little Secret Machines...a little TV on the Radio
The Shins Shins Shins!
The Raconteurs
Hopelessly torn between Kings of Leon and Iron and Wine, we'll see what kind of a mood I'm in.

Jose Gonzalez
The New Pornographers! -I also want to see Los Amigos Invisibles but I'm going to do my best to see at work instead.
The Flaming Lips!
And here's a realy Sunday night dilema, Sufjan Stevens and The Raconteurs are doing an ACL taping. I could probably get space available tickets for it but I'd have to leave the festival before New Pornographers and I don't see that happening. Crap.

I am taking the sock to work on, so there's some knitting content.
See you all out there.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so jealous waaahhhhhh. But after my husband got heat stroke last year I swore I wasn't going again. I can't wait to see next year's line-up though

Have fun!!

12:05 PM  
Blogger meg said...

damn kings of leon for messing us both up!

omg, you are so lucky to get into the acl shows in the studio.

looks like we're going to be at a few of the same shows.

12:19 PM  
Blogger meg said...

oh shit! also heard that my boyfriend jake was at the gnarls barkley show last night. did you grab his ass for me?

12:20 PM  

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